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Packing and Reminiscing - Seychelles, Africa

You may or may not know, but I recently got married in December 2023 to an amazing and beautiful man named Daniel (yay!). We didn't have a wedding or anything, but we opted for an intimate dinner with our families in Cleveland.

Anyway, because we didn't have a fancy wedding, we decided to use our monies to go on a dream honeymoon to French Polynesia! Why there? Wellll, Daniel and I both agreed that we wanted to go somewhere neither one of us has been to and French Polynesia has been on my bucket list for a while.. and so it was a no-brainer. :)

We leave in 4 days and I have been slowly packing and getting ready for our two week trip. As I'm thinking about what to pack, checking the weather, and getting everything figured out for when we're gone, I have been reminiscing about one of my favorite island destinations and have been wondering if Moorea and Tahiti will be similar! I can't wait to find out.

If we've been friends, you probably know my favorite island destination because I always recommend it to anyone who asks me for travel recommendations!

Any guesses where? No? Okay fine I'll tell ya.


Where?! It's a tiiiiiny cluster of small islands off Africa. And it's STUNNING. BEAUTIFUL. PERFECT.

(no filter)

This is a really small island called La Digue. They are famous for these unique rocks all around their shores and these huge turtles that are hundreds of years old (ancient things).

Fun fact: there are no cars or roads on La Digue. You get everywhere by bicycle or scooter. I seriously was in heaven.

The road

Heaven didn't last long. What happened? Funny story. First, I love dogs. like obsessed. all dogs. little dogs. big dogs. its a dog, I'll love it. Anyway, I am known to pet all the stray dogs (it's worth the risk, okay?!). Well I got really close and friendly with the stray dogs on this tiny island. See evidence below.

These guys... ended up giving me 100+ flea bites lol. I ended up having to go to the hospital because I was itchy and hot and I ended up getting a fever. I couldn't sleep for many nights because I was itching EVERYWHERE. I won't bore you with the rest of the story but let's just say... it was a miserable week after and it took forever to heal :)

Some other facts about the beautiful country:

  • Seychellois Creole is their official main language. Its a French-based creole language with a mix of English.

  • Tourists that come to Seychelles are typically honeymooners from France or Russia!

  • They love curry dishes. Fish curry being a popular one! There's a lot of Indian influence in their cuisine.

  • Its the smallest country in Africa.

  • Little to no crime. People are kind and friendly. I traveled here with a girl friend and we stayed for a week on the small island of La Digue with zero concern. However, it's always best practice to check the US Dept of State page for a better understanding of the country's relationship with the US and any current travel advisories!

Alright, I've spent enough time procrastinating packing. I should probably go do that.

If you're interested in following along while I'm in Tahiti and Moorea, I'll be posting occasional updates on our Instagram - @dohuhm.

Thanks for reading if you've made it this far. You're a real one.

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